Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Headphones for iPhone Minus Adaptor

September 20th, 2008 - It is 6:13 AM and back from office. During the course of the night, I went shopping to find a suitable headphone for my iPhone. If you have read my previous posts, you will know I had to order an adaptor coz the first-gen iPhone wont take in your regular headphones. My friend got the adaptor from London and so I went looking for a regular headphone to use it with the adaptor

But when I reached the store, I found a pair of in-ear headphones that works with the iPhone minus the adaptor, wow, that was quite a find. It is called the Sennheiser CX 300, check it out here . They are neat, snug fit, looks good and sounds good too. It is a little steep at 2500/- but only in a BPO you get "Quality at Minimum Cost" not the outside world ;) Enjoy! Music Lovers...go grab 'em

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Air Sharing - iPhone is now your personal HDD

September 16th, 2008 - 4:40 PM woke up to find a fabulous peice of news. A third-party software called "Air-Sharing" was released in App Store today. First, it was FREE and second it fulfilled the wishes of millions of iPhone users who have been waiting to know if Apple would ever make the iPhone to be used like a hard drive.

Our prayers have been answered (never mind if the company who made it possible is called Avatron Software Inc.). So what does this software do and how to use it. I'll keep it brief, the complete set of instructions is available in the Help section when you download the App using iTunes.

So basically, you connect the iPhone using a Wi-Fi connection. You will have to go to the Network places in Windows and add this device. Then you use it just like a Network sharing drive...drag and drop files. you can now carry your files on your iPhone like you would on a USB pen drive. In fact, this software takes file sharing one step further, you can now access this drive (your iPhone) like a Public Web folder from anyhwere, you can create your own IP or use the one assigned by default and Voila!! the iPhone drive is available on any computer that is on the Internet. Read additional features

While this may sound too cool, remember the pitfalls if you dont use your Wi-Fi connection responsibly. The software also gives added protection in the form of Username/Password before you access the files on the iPhone. Overall, a fantastic development for the iPhone and now the focus shifts to the Bluetooth functionality, hopefully someone out there is working on it. Go Geeks!!